A Commitment to Merrimack:
Transparency and Fiscal Responsibility

It has been an honor to serve on the Merrimack Town Council since my appointment in 2024. As a 28-year resident of this town and a proud New Hampshire native, I am deeply invested in our community’s success and well-being. My husband, Paul, and I have raised our three children here and all have attended Merrimack public schools.

During my time on the Council, I have worked to improve transparency and communication between town leadership and residents — because you deserve to be informed and involved in the decisions that shape our community. I have also taken the initiative to further my municipal knowledge by completing the NH Municipal Association Academy for Good Governance certificate program, equipping me with the tools to make informed, responsible decisions for our community. In addition, I’ve taken the time to tour facilities including Merrimack Fire Rescue buildings and the Wastewater Treatment Facility to ensure that I have a thorough understanding of town departments and properties.

As the Town Council Representative to the Conservation Commission, I am committed to protecting Merrimack’s natural resources while ensuring responsible development.

Before joining the Council, I served six years as an elected Trustee of the Merrimack Public Library, including multiple years as Chair. My years of volunteerism — whether mentoring students in Marketing for FIRST Robotics, coaching MYA teams, volunteering in our schools, or supporting the library — reflect my deep-rooted dedication to this town.

If elected, I will:
✅ Continue to be responsive to residents' concerns
✅ Work to balance the needs of our town with a responsible, sustainable budget
✅ Lead with integrity, governing in a nonpartisan and fiscally responsible manner
✅ Seek every opportunity to expand my knowledge and enhance my ability to serve Merrimack effectively
✅ Continue the work we’ve started on improving communication to residents

I am committed to keeping Merrimack a great place to live, work, and raise a family. I ask for your vote on Tuesday, April 8th so we can continue moving forward together.

Vote Tuesday, April 8th • 7AM-7PM

Three polling locations: James Mastricola Upper Elementary School • Merrimack Middle School • St. John Neumann Church

Contact Me

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